Feel Great Stories

Die folgenden Videos sind spannende Geschichten von Menschen, die mithilfe des Feel Great Systems ihr Leben richtig aufblühen lassen konnten. Schau dir an, wie sie es geschafft haben, und lass dich inspirieren!

Wie das Unicity Feel Great System das Leben besser macht.
Menschen auf der ganzen Welt haben gesundheitliche Probleme, die sie daran hindern, ein normales Leben zu führen, sich um ihre Familien zu kümmern oder lustige, aufregende Dinge zu tun. Sehen Sie, wie diese Menschen mit Feel Great ihr Leben ändern konnten, mehr für ihre Familien da sind, ihre Motivation und ihren Antrieb zurückgewinnen und Dinge tun, die sie vorher nicht tun konnten.

Die nachfolgenden Videos sind im englischen Originalton, können aber mit deutschen Untertiteln (wenn verfügbar) gesehen werden.

Jason’s Unicity Feel Great story: It’s a good feeling to just live your life

Like many people, Jason had tried hard dieting to keep his weight under control. But weight wasn’t the only issue; he knew there was something else going on that was keeping him from feeling like himself. Before he was even a month into the Feel Great system, Jason started to feel better. He had more energy, was sleeping better, his weight was where he wanted it—he felt like a completely different person.

Ted’s Unicity Feel Great story: A sports dad who play sports again

As a dad with kids who played sports, Ted wanted to be a role model. But his declining health had other plans. After trying everything he could think of to take back his health and control his weight—with no success—he gave Feel Great a try. He lost 18 pounds in the first 9 weeks (and was able to keep it off!), had more energy, slept better, and his aches and pains went away. And those basketball games with his kids? He can play alongside them now without needing a week to recover afterward. Watch Ted’s story for more on how Feel Great helped him reclaim a life full of doing the things he loves. 

Cody’s Unicity Feel Great story: From having no drive to a life of joy

Cody struggled with addiction, had poor metabolic health, and had no drive or ambition. Eventually, he realized he couldn’t keep living that way. Within just a few weeks of starting Feel Great, Cody felt better than he ever had. Today his health is better, his dark thoughts have gone away, and he does the things he loves—like hiking and fishing—with more joy. Watch this Feel Great video for more on how Cody was able to reclaim an active life he loved living. 

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is the driving force behind many of today’s health conditions. Learn more about insulin’s role in the body and how insulin resistance develops. 

A simple way for 
intermittent fasting

Learn how Unicity’s Feel Great products can help you get started with intermittent fasting. Feel Great helps you feel fuller for longer, supports longer breaks between meals, and reduces the impact of carbohydrates on your diet. Stick with Feel Great and achieve real results in your intermittent fasting journey.

Unicity Unimate: Where tradition meets science

Unimate is an ultra-concentrated yerba mate beverage formulated from a high-quality yerba mate extract that packs a multitude of benefits, from appetite control and weight management to improved focus and mental stamina. Unimate sets itself apart from other yerba mate drinks with its proprietary five-step process that enhances yerba mate’s natural benefits, helping you have more of the great days.

Unicity Balance | Bring Your Life into Balance with Unicity

The food we eat contributes to the quality of life we enjoy. But it’s nearly impossible to make perfect food choices day in and day out. Enter Unicity Balance. Balance is for our bodies like a staff of personal assistants would be for our homes. It works behind the scenes to keep our bodies well maintained–even when we falter–helping us maintain more consistent energy throughout the day, stay fuller for longer, and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Why do low-carb diets work? It’s really about insulin. Learn how.

Science of Unicity Balance

Unimate | A Revolutionary Discovery

Why the Physicians’ Desk Reference Matters

Coleen Andruss | Unicity Transformation

Dave Stearns | How Life Should Be

The Unicity Story: How the Past, Present, and Future Combine to Transform Lives

Unicity Journey: Don’t Underestimate This Company

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